Education Design Lab

Designing more equitable education options toward the future of work.

Seeded by the deLaski Family Foundation in 2013, the Lab has worked with 125 colleges, 60+ employers and several cities and states to define skills and credentials that make higher education more affordable, more relevant and more portable. 


The Lab created a human-centered design process that starts by forming a "design question." 


This session began a three-year process designing more tangible career-readiness skills with 14 historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs).

This photo captures one of many design sessions that brings employers, faculty and students together to design digital credentials for teaching 21st century skills such as collaboration, creative problem solving and empathy. The Lab's 21st century s…

This photo captures one of many design sessions that brings employers, faculty and students together to design digital credentials for teaching 21st century skills such as collaboration, creative problem solving and empathy. The Lab's 21st century skills toolkit has been accessed by 800 colleges as they test new ways to help learners signal these skills to employers. 


The Lab launched a two-year design cohort in partnership with four community colleges from around the country. The goal: to design more successful pathways for and with single mothers.

The cohort will test, share and scale the best models. 


Learn more about the Lab on their website:


The Shadow Project